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Tom Plays Pirate Doom 2 Part 1
The sequel to Pirate Doom came out not too long ago so after finishing the first Pirate Doom I decided to start the sequel. I am still playing on ultra viole...
Tom Attempts to Help Simon Get Home Part 4
The insanity continues in Cry of Fear Simon finds out who was calling him in the last video with disastrous results he does sort of get his revenge by taking...
Tom Wants to be a Doomed Pirate Part 1
I start my playthrough of Pirate Doom one of my favorite Doom II mods. Pirate Doom is basically Doom II with a pirate/Monkey Island theme there is even music...
Tom Wants to be a Doomed Pirate Part 1
I start my playthrough of Pirate Doom one of my favorite Doom II mods. Pirate Doom is basically Doom II with a pirate/Monkey Island theme there is even music...
Tom Attempts to Help Simon Get Home Part 2
Yes finally back to the horror that is Cry of Fear. I manage to get through chapter 2 which introduces some new enemies that are wrapped in straitjackets I a...
Tom Plays Duke Nukem 3d Part 4
That is all she wrote I beat the final episode of Duke Nukem 3d. Next Thursday not sure what I will be playing next. This video was originally posted on my T...
Tom Attempts to Help Simon Get Home Part 1
I have actually seen this game played and I have played it before but never beaten it time for me to see how far I can actually get in Cry of Fear. Cry of Fe...
Tom Plays Duke Nukem 3D Part 3
With that all 3 episodes of the original Duke Nukem 3d are done next Thursday the bonus 4th episode called The Birth which will have all secrets found too. T...
Tom Plays Duke Nukem 3d Part 2
Wow that took a long time but I finally beat episode 2 without cheats after playing it I can say that I really hate those alien egg enemies, the alien enemy ...
Tom Plays Duke Nukem 3D Part 1
It is time folks time for me to scratch another game off my bucket list. In this video I go through episode 1 of Duke Nukem 3d including the secret level I f...