Fursuits in Furry Community

What’s this?

First try of learning this dance haha im not a dancer

Reupload cuz I almost accidentally doxed myself lol

Jesper wishes you a late happy new year and thanks everyone who helped and supported me during that past year ❤️

If you are interested in hearing more information about the post and the photo credits, It can be found in the post below!


Just checking if the pieces fit like they should, haven't sewn or glued anything yet

It came! It's finally came!

I do fursuiting with my bestfriend my birth city ❤️‍🔥

We had fun all day


I didnt see them since years

We cry a lot of joy 😂😂

I love sharks

Koda’s ears make it look so goofy XDD

Also I’m working on a community! Just a small one, I don’t plan on it getting big. You can post whatever, or don’t. :3

Rate my fit


I had to redo her ears and I changed her species to moth but harpy is pretty much done!

(I’m going to give her lashes and maybe add the little smile eyelid things)