All Posts in Gthikh's Kingdom

They actually did it.
I'll definitely be watching this. Will I like it? Maybe. We'll see...
6 votes Voting finished

#Underrated No.4
Been having fun playing Gunball 2, the first video game I ever played (at the age of 5 no less)
Really good, but it was pretty easy to beat (only took an hour), but still really good flash game, highly recommend

If I could play one game for the rest of my life, I'd probably pick Minecraft
Why? With mods, Minecraft can be literally any game. COD? Use TACZ mod. No Man's Sky? Ad Astra Mod.
Also little photoshoot of The Palace Of Order and the Lazarcopter :D

Can't wait for Light No Fire, definitely looks cooler than No Man's Sky
Even though I prefer Sci-fi to Fantasy, you can ride dragons and play as a skeleton
Definitely playing it when it comes out (hoping it won't be too beefy compared to NMS)

Bro plz don't kidnapping me