Murder Drones in Glitch Productions

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working on some cool murder drones related stuff (hint hint it may or may not be a 2D fan-animated spinoff)

Awww look at the little guy (murder drones oc)

human X! (murder drone oc)

J: We Did What You Said, M! The Plan Sucked! The Company’s Done!

M: The Company Was Much More Popular Than People Thought, J.. You Think I Don't Know About The branded pens? You Tried To FUCK Me…

I wonder what she did (Emily from @GDNSC comic check it out it coming up really good)

I only screenshotted this cause Uzi has a actual FUCKING GUN

know what i want for my birthday this year (my birthday is early April, aka literally next week)

Hunter (murder drones oc)

Can I get an amen for the solver? (Murder drones oc)