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I need to draw my sonic oc again

Yes I have one I don’t care she’ll never die she’s the oldest oc I have and she’ll never die she reminds me of my childhood

Real talk I hate kiriko as a character

Mary sue self insert oc ass bitch

Oku ref let’s goo

I love wreck it Ralph

Hi swiiiii

Who listened to eliemonty mlp covers at the prime age of the internet 💀

I suddenly started to think 0n Bayonetta n other hack rack slash.

Do you recomend it to me others???

I have the ps3 n a 2017 pc.

Just a random question.

Spanish, ajua on article

Red is slowly becoming one of my fav Color’s

Art trade with @Spacestarzx_

I put too much effort into this but it’s my wife :))

I had fun with this I should do art trades more