Ortensia army in FNaTI is cool

let's see what ya got

so @maxie4days 's DI: Derelictum has been cancelled, and i would like to show my only work for the game, development did not really move on after i made this model.

voice reveal i guess (i did not cook ik) (TRIED MY BEST TO TALK OK? IM SUPER SRY)

The Rabbit Remake (NBD 2022)
Made Him Furry yay

i kind of forgot why there is suddenly a fan community of me
like it was fnati is cool now its everyoneortensia is cool
well, im not complaining tho, just curious

This was going to be a planned Limited Visibility challenge, where your vision would be limited to just a flashlight like in FNAC 3, but it was scrapped due to being more unfun than interesting. It was then replaced by Faulty Flashlight.