All Posts in Inky Abyss AU (ye, title change AGAIN)
Beware the Ink Demon who lurks in the Inky Abyss…
"I MEAN SHE'S FUCKING 39-" - Dot Lewek
"Ma looks sweet, which she is. She's also a cannibal, arsonist, and murderer, in fact one of the most wanted criminals of NYC. I'm not sure how Pa had the guts to marry her, she said she's been like this since she was 19, but what the fuck." - Dot Lewek
"Note to self: Joey is vulnerable when flustered." - Nathan Arch Sr.
"Don't be depresso, have some espresso!" - Norman Polk, passing his espresso to Sammy one time when they were walking to work
"MA I WANT YOUR FUCKING HOMEMADE MATZO BALL SOUP." - Dorothy Lewek, after her shift at work literally bursting into the apartment at 11PM
"Moje oczy mogą kurwa łuna, Irena. Nazywa się tapetum lucidum." - Mr Unger…
"No, I don't include Daniel or Wallace, that would count as pedophilla. The only reason I hired them is I need more help around this place. And manipulation." - Joey Drew
"Everytime I see a guy I find attractive I invite them to work at the studio so I can just stalk them everyday. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. Well except for Sunday where we have the day off." - Joey Drew aka the Gay Fuckshit
"So I threw my backpack into the lake in Central Park. That bag had papers, pens, inkwells and my grandpa's nightshirt. The water turned a bit black and I was like 'oh shit'. It won't be long until my uncle Flynn fishes it out of the lake." - Buddy Lewek