Screenshots in Minecraft

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thats my entire base in the deep sea


This ancient City is under the worldspawn and i know another one thats not far away from this one. This is the Seed for Bedrock:1431831130929889

i like the cosmetic addon with the dragon wings for bedrock ngl

So che a nessuno interessa ma ecco le mie costruzioni del mio nuovo mondo creativa!

Sono poche e molto basiche quindi se volete consigliarmi qualche costruzione da fare fate pure!

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I thought it wasn't rendering until i got closer

👑Let's Gooooooo! I love this cape the most because we had to earn it and this was the first mcc I watched. Can't wait for the cape to arrive on Java!👑

This is going to be my most insane map art yet

Finally I bought the cape and it comes with free items and 4 animations.

And I never thought I'd end up kissing a frog…