Mods in Plants Vs Zombies

Plant your own creations!

beta has been released!

it is a minor yet IMPORTANT patch with the following changes:

- level 2 now works properly

- mini pear is reworked slightly

- the power up magical randomness is nerfed


Beta 4 is out NOW!


Бета 4 только что вышла!

[blood/gore warning for 2nd image!!]

i AM still working on this mod btw!!!!!!

heres the only 2 things i made since last update


Smooth movement of seed packets into slots and an inventory emptying button


Плавное перемещение пакетов семян в слоты и кнопка опустошения инвентаря

pvz idk will be released soon!

it is a minor update with the following changes:

-seed menu now appears faster

-powerup arrow scroll now works both ways

-add currency system to the game (see more in article

A NEW GW2 MOD! COIN REMOVER!! (WORKING) U have too many hacked coins? or just wanna have fun grinding again? Then this is the mod for you! remove those coins with the instructions in the article!

Eng: Come to my stream, there we will play different PvZ mods!

Rus: Приходите на мой стрим, там мы будем играть в разные моды на ПвЗ!

Update sprites / Обновление спрайтов

Whats new? / Что нового?

Hey everyone, Its been a week and decided to release another GW2 mod! No Respawn cooldown mod! now u can respawn instantly! (Multiplayer Locked) (Read article for more info!)