General in Ralph's Academy

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G`day Mates! Sorry for the lack of post lately, I've been working on something very special for the game!

Thanks so much for your love and support and I'll be posting a special very soon!


Sooo...Virus J comes out soon.....EXCITED!!!!

I'm alive! I got though my cold and I am ready to party!

~something terrible

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been super sick lately but I'm doing fine. Have a great day everyone!

Bro....this is a real fish.....


I'll be making a series of me playing this!

Follow me on youtube so you don't miss out!

Game's steam page

My Youtube Channel

A-Am I dreaming?!

I posted something long time fans would know

Y.A.F.F is now playble again, also it's kinda part of the game now

"God made Heaven, Man made Hell."