💬General💬 in The Ricky Mouse Community

[Post text goes here]

You've translated the text, It reads as follows;

I'm back! I'm gonna work on ONWDD when I'm on Christmas break. Happy holidays!!!

The modern FNaF fangame scene should stop being so focused on attention and should be more focused in having fun making good games rather making them because popularity.

You all know where this is going so let's just Skip to the end.

I've finally finished a game for once.

A New Branch, on a nearby Tree...

fun fact!
Minecraft ai is a thing.
no seriously.
oasis decart ai is the site.
now go wild with this one.

happy (late) halloween

(sr i got nothin i was asleep lol)

1. Using this piece of Concept Art for refence for camera placement.

2. Progress


Sometimes I say the most nonesensical things known to the man kind.