General in RilzLaFFY's Cool Community

RilzLaFFY is the best!!


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kinda forgot this community existed lol. Y'all should join it and bring it back to life.

I’m making a comeback with a new game. I’ve been working on it since New Year’s Day and the demo is going to be published on either the 25th of June or the 4th of July (most likely the 25th). I will keep you updated

Just to make one thing clear, just because i'm working on TFP doesn't mean ONAS: Blue Fever is canceled. (I'm speaking to the people that might be nerds)

Who's excited for onas demolition?

I know I am :D

Coming Soon.

Stanley’s doughnut is canceled do to new game I’m working on shadows wonder world.

Teaser (6/27/22)

Started working on the map 👍 (ONAS: Demolition)

The Final Teaser