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My mother will never understand

You know, while I'm at it, I might as well as explain the recent absence of my fangames... Just to get it out of my system, and to avoid any possible future questions regarding the fiasco...

TF2's weapon logic

Doom slayer mentality


He said WHAT!?

Welcome to the RoboKingdom!

Welcome to the RoboKingdom, which is RoboKingsley's official Game Jolt community. This community is currently a work in progress, so expect changes and new channels here and there.


  • Be polite. Be efficient.

  • Don't have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

  • Be nice, and treat people with respect. No racism, sexism, etc.

  • Anything the Game Jolt guidelines say.

  • Have fun!

@robokingsley owner
Report A community for about 1 month