The sussy video tapes in The gamejolt Analog horror series be like

Send all things you want idrc

Untrue crimes Lost pilot episode


Nostalgic times


Voicemail alert


Video tape akert

Graggle Simpson is gonna save us

Video tape 6

Some people decide the sussy alternate monsters are made from god being angry at them so they decide to make a cult and worship the sussy monsters

Video tape 69

The most lore revealing thing just happened. You are an imposter

video tape 4

the project no reason is a project made by docter smartass, the porject began and after the lights shuts off and they came back on and there was no reason, he killed the docter and he escaped the lab

Video tape 2

Zaul turns ento a cringy gacha life demon and then hes slams the cam where the sun dont shine

Video tape 1

As zaul draws cringy ass drawings of bf and sky some skinny boi goes up behind him and then zaul fucking D I E S