Guide in Scratch

Birth out some nice projects…

I am now doing Fnaf Scratch Tutorials I will be uploading a Part once a Day!

Part 2 Coming Tomorrow!

How to make a Fnaf scratch game Tutorial Part 1 Cutscene & Main menu
Here are the Links to my Profiles!Gamejolt Scratch https://...

Does anyone know how to increase the quality of a vector?

Tutorial for people who need help with Iframe extension

i've spent the past hour trying to code that short hop

basically if you hold the jump button your jump is higher but if you just do a quick tap then you do a little hop off the ground

i literally cannot figure this out please help

another reminder to scratch/tw devs

instead of using multiple variables that only have a few purposes, cram all of the properties into a list

it saves json and time

a friendly reminder to all scratchers to NEVER FUCKING HAVE "IF STATEMENT STAIRS"

you have OPERATORS, and you can put those operators in other operators. UTILIZE THEM

just use your brain and do the math and boom, much less block count = less json size

how do i make a scratch/turbowarp game save your progress?

Me rn: "How do i work this?"

help me im making a fight collab and im remixing something and i have the blocks as set varible to 15 change varible by -1 and instead it sets the varible to -634 and i dont know what to do i need urgent help

Should I make a demo of it?

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