All Posts in Shuzzler - The Word Game

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Happy #presidentsDay! The orange letter tiles in the image above can be unscrambled to spell the last name of a former US president πŸ—³οΈ. Can you guess which one? #trivia #wordChallenge

Happy #nationalDogDay! To celebrate, see if you can guess the hidden word in the letter grid above. The correct word must be spelled from the letters highlighted in orange and the hint is that the word is a type of dog breed 🐢🐩 #WordOfTheDay #guesstheword

Excited to announce that @Shuzzler will be on exhibition for the @PocketGamer Connects Seattle 2023 conference on May 16-17 for The Very Big Indie Pitch. Look forward to seeing you there #PGConnects #indiedev

Today's word challenge is a tribute to #nationalherbday, an unofficial holiday to celebrate the cooking, cosmetic, and healing powers of herbs! Try to guess the relevant herb 🌿 from the highlighted letter tiles in the tile grid #WordOfTheDay

I would like to send out a special thank you to @ALEDream__ for having me as a guest on their Twitch channel while playing @Shuzzler. If you missed the stream, you can watch the recording on ALEDream's twitch channel here πŸ¦‰πŸ‘‡