All Posts in Wizard’s Gangster Paradise Official

Make sure to inhale infinite swag!

Bluite [pronounced blue-white]

Some small decorations to go along with the camera too

Camera 2 done 👀



Office mechanics 100% done! [I didn't showcase the cams as I haven't drawn actual cameras themselves yet, I have made the animation itself though.]

chat, Clark just pulled up to my door

I just forgot that 9 days ago was the 1 year mark ever since I started this game devlog, it's been a long road. Happy late birthday to Clark…

Check out this SSSWWAGG game made by the bluest wizard around: @SomeRandomWizard

SomeRandomWizard's Ultimate FNaF Experience is the PEAK of PEAK

Please click the phishing link above to follow his game

Altered the offices' look as it looked a bit too similar to an already existing office [Also I fixed the door perspective]

I made the door buttons