General in Tagey's Epic Community

Post something epic. It better be epic. Or you're out of here. Just kidding xd


3/4s of all of the full release characters is done. I cannot wait for y'all to see this because this is definitely a project I am proud of.

Questions and Answers post - Feel free to ask anything about this game!

Version 1.4.5 is out because this game's code is a fucking mess!

Read the change log in the article:

It took another 2 years to get another rare screen in TW

(replaying this game cuz yes lol)

i threw these together real fast because wario on the brain

anyways alive cammy being a chaotic gremlin is my new favorite flavor

Thanks for 100 followers on this gamepage. I don't really have anything special to show, but here is your weekly teaser.

The game's (un)original soundtrack is on the page now. It has so many tracks it reached GJ's music number limit lol, and I still had to leave out a couple of things...

Enjoy :)

i made a MARIO retake lol
cant post it here bc of text limit but..
victim #1 is iggy, who died after his battle with mario

the "caused enough trouble" message blocks are after the castle

mario jumps into lava at the end

Hey all, [iaon] here!