fan art in Tangle club

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The evolution of rain world lizards

(If you want to understand the logic I used to make this drawing, just read the post article)

Another one, Uzi? What are these things and why do I like them?


Good Morning Everyone

I'm honestly a little impressed by my daughter's drawings. It's way better than the undiscernable black scribbles i do that barely even slightly resembles one of those... things

Uzi drew this cool green animal from... Something. What was it? Daisy something-or-other? She's told me, but i forgot. My memory is not what it used to be

Popgoes characters in my style because I have nothing to do

The Survivor, the Monk, the Hunter and the Watcher

(their order is from bottom to top, right to left)


(Context: this is a drawing of a remuneration of popgoes characters because I had nothing to do and I remembered what I drew)(And yes, the cat is referencing candy)

It's 3am and I can't sleep, so I drew this, which isn't done yet. IDK. It's all right.

Did this awhile ago