General in Casual Therapy

You are loved!

I think i am having a problem.

Everyone please go give @charmzy- some love and support there going through stuff right now and would really need it..

I am happy to report that my "lack of motivation" issue was just for one day and that I still managed to get a ton of cleaning and housework done and do a bit of running (jogging?) and heavy bag work at the gym that day.

Today I'm back to my usual self.

My state mentally is not good. My body doesn’t feel good. Basically I don’t feel good in general. I’m just gonna take a break from this site because my mental state is not good.

w e g r o w

Y'all, @Pikus75 is worried he might need protection from @|Marcel-43 because of what I assume is a drama involving them.
Here's a link to the post in question:…
Give him some support <3