Games in TurtleBoards Turtleing Turtleden


go play boss fight with mr cheesepuff right now or mr cheesepuff will steal your toes


Let's go! I'm really proud of this, no more redesigns!

Sam's Arcade is getting another final redesign, but you'll like it more. Please don't get pissed off.

go play eyclac simulator right this dang second or i will eat your computer like a cracker

play america simulator NOW!


Sam's Arcade Final Redesign + New menu It released! Gamepage will come later if you for some reason only play games that release on gamejolt. PLAY THIS GAME IT IS SO GOOD @J_R_Arm MADE THIS GAME

Would you rather have a VHS series to reveal this game, but a lower quality/less focused base game, or a standalone game with teasers and trailers, but with no side story (VHS in this case)

  14 votes Voting finished

What's your favorite fnaf gameplay style?

(Winner will determine the gameplay style of my new project which will be revealed through something special)

  40 votes Voting finished