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BZSA hot takes #55

not a hot take, but does anyone remember @Coder2554 ?

He just kinda pulled a BD and dissappeared for a really long time, I don't even talk to him anymore.

BZSA hot takes #54

If you drink water with any flavoring besides lemonade then you're either a bitch or a child

turtles hot takes #54: bugbo did everything right #killgerbo

BZSA hot takes #53

@xubur_cat you're wrong, Daylen diner gun update is the best FPS title in the whole series

turtle's hot takes #53 I think: if you use guilded you are underaged thats not even a hot take

do a fireside or something man........................
im bored.................

BZSA hot takes #52

we need more representation for games made in RPG maker, it's a very underrated community

(from a prime MV enjoyer)

i didnt have time to say this earlier but school is FINALLY. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. DONEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I'll either be really active or inactive for a little bit, I don't have any ideas for anything really.

And I can't get feedback for obvious reasons.
