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  18 votes Voting finished

new bizascampz looking fire on god on god!!!!


all satire

I will get a new computer very soon, then finish agony 2 hopefully by like December and then imma take a break before I make any other projects. Thanks for your patience everyone.

My 3rd self released album and my first album with lyrics ZAMBEZI coming soon! Will notify yall when it drops.

3 Days

It's my birthday today! >:3

Considering changing my username to: yoink_fricc (road to 200 followers)

I notice every time someone does this they always get stupid amounts of followers very quickly and boy howdy do i love me some big numbers.

EDIT: i dids it

turtleboard's hot takes #84 and #85: DAMN. is the best Kendrick Lamar album and Encore is a B tier album

Happy Halloween!!!!