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Wrestle Camp 2 - Update 2023-01-13 - Official JadeJohnson Games And Adrianna Entertainment Final Gameplay Reveal:

Aw yeeah! We've now got all the features you could ever desire in the base game, including:

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Yep? That's right! We basically finished its re-write in just one single day! Sure, there're still home-stages, Alt-Fits, and 3D-rotations missing from the Character-Select-screen, but other than those, we've got everything you ever could have wanted!

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We're re-writing the base-game's code to run in what we're internally calling a "Hybrid-Loss"-mode. It'll clean-up the infrastructure, and ensure match-rules are followed. It shouldn't take but two weeks or so.

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We've re-wired the base-game. It currently still plays just the same, but we've now added the installation-infrastructure under its hood, so that new episodes can now be installed once they drop!

That being said, there're still many base-updates coming.

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The Oil-Barrel, The Table, The Ladder, And The Time-Out Chair; will all be coming in the second episode of "Wrestle Camp 2". However, we'll have to make some infrastructural-changes to the way the base-game works before we can start Ep.02's development.


Wrestle Camp 2 Weapons: The Oil Barrel — Bash somebody across the head with this heavy item, and it'll surely knock them back, stunning them in the ProCess; Wrestle Camp Rules state that no groggy opponent may be touched offensively until they recover.

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Wrestle Camp 2 Weapons - The Table — Call-out-to the ceiling or sky, "Table!", and one will instantly fall onto and knock-down your opponent! But be careful, they could also do the same to you!

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Wrestle Camp 2 Weapons: The Ladder — Drop this on someone's head with its bottom opening falling-around their body first, and they're sure to get some pretty-bad luck!

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Wrestle Camp 2 Weapons:

The Time-Out Chair — Whack someone with this item, and it's an instant time-out for both campers! During this time, you can take a quick respite from using your input-device if the body-part operating it has become tired.

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Guess what everybody!? The game's first "Episode" is out! Because Game Jolt's file-size specification is so tiny, we've decided to release a base-game, and we'll later enable you to install more episodes into it!

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