General in Thunder Tornado community

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i thought about the idea of making a digital horror video about a lost bootleg version of baldi, just felt like letting people know

Clara spell episode 7 almost ready, working on the final boss right now

hey just got more progress done on clara spell episode 7 done, only abit left before testing begins

can it save you?

hey gang, i'm still here. hello

hi everybody, i just wanna let you know i may not be too active tommorow since tommorow is canada day, and cause of that, i make take time away to celebrate it. thanks :) if you are canadian too, happy canada day fellow canadian.

i have a deviantart account now, if anyone wants to take a look:

what has everyone been doing this week

big thanks to @JoseGregorioBetancourtGamez for being my 530th follower, thank you :)

hey got some more work done on clara spell today, just felt like updating you guys.