Game API Documentation

Data Store - Fetch

Returns data from the data store.

URL Endpoint



Name Required? Type Description
game_id Yes string The ID of your game.
key Yes string The key of the data item you'd like to fetch.
username No string The user's username.
user_token No string The user's token.


Name Type Description
success boolean Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example: true
message string If the request was not successful, this contains the error message.
Example: Unknown fatal error occurred.
data string If the request was successful, this contains the item's data.
Example: Some example data.


  • If you pass in the user information, the data item will be fetched for a user. If you leave the user information empty, it will be fetched globally for the game.




Affected parameter Description Error message
key key parameter not passed in You must enter the key for the item you would like to retrieve data for.
key No data store item exists for key No item with that key could be found.

Version history

Version Description
1.0 First implementation