Game API Documentation

Scores - Add

Adds a score for a user or guest.

URL Endpoint



Name Required? Type Description
game_id Yes string The ID of your game.
username No string The user's username.
user_token No string The user's token.
guest No string The guest's name.
score Yes string This is a string value associated with the score. Example: 500 Points
sort Yes integer This is a numerical sorting value associated with the score. All sorting will be based on this number. Example: 500
extra_data No string If there's any extra data you would like to store as a string, you can use this variable.
table_id No integer The ID of the score table to submit to.


Name Type Description
success boolean Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example: true
message string If the request was not successful, this contains the error message.
Example: Unknown fatal error occurred.


  • You can either store a score for a user or a guest. If you're storing for a user, you must pass in the username and user_token parameters. If you're storing for a guest, you must pass in the guest parameter.
  • The extra_data value is only retrievable through the API and your game's dashboard. It's never displayed publicly to users on the site. If there is other data associated with the score such as time played, coins collected, etc., you should definitely include it. It will be helpful in cases where you believe a gamer has illegitimately achieved a high score.
  • If table_id is left blank, the score will be submitted to the primary high score table.


/scores/add/?game_id=xxxxx&username=myusername&user_token=mytoken&score=234 Jumps&sort=234
/scores/add/?game_id=xxxxx&username=myusername&user_token=mytoken&score=234 Jumps&sort=234&extra_data=900&table_id=19834
/scores/add/?game_id=xxxxx&guest=newguestaccount&score=234 Jumps&sort=234


Affected parameter Description Error message
guest / table_id Tried to add guest score to table that doesn't allow guest scores Guests are not allowed to enter scores for this game.
username / user_token / guest Have to either use user info or the guest parameter You must pass in a user/guest for this score.
score score parameter not passed in You must enter a score.
sort sort parameter not passed in or not numeric You must enter a sort value for this score, and it must be numeric.
-none- Failed to add score, usually not a user error Unknown error has occured


  • Even though the error suggests otherwise, the "are guest scores allowed" setting can be adjusted per score table, not per game.
  • The generic error while adding scores is NOT the same as the global "something went wrong" error message.

Version history

Version Description
1.0 First implementation