Game API Documentation

Trophies - Fetch

Returns one trophy or multiple trophies, depending on the parameters passed in.

URL Endpoint



Name Required? Type Description
game_id Yes string The ID of your game.
username Yes string The user's username.
user_token Yes string The user's token.
achieved No boolean Pass in true to return only the achieved trophies for a user. Pass in false to return only trophies the user hasn't achieved. Leave blank to retrieve all trophies.
trophy_id No integer If you would like to return just one trophy, you may pass the trophy ID with this parameter. If you do, only that trophy will be returned in the response. You may also pass multiple trophy IDs here if you want to return a subset of all the trophies. You do this as a comma-separated list in the same way you would for retrieving multiple users. Passing a trophy_id will ignore the achieved parameter if it is passed.


Name Type Description
success boolean Whether the request succeeded or failed.
Example: true
message string If the request was not successful, this contains the error message.
Example: Unknown fatal error occurred.

All values below will get returned for every trophy that gets returned. They can occur multiple times.

Name Type Description
id integer The ID of the trophy.
Example: 1047
title string The title of the trophy on the site.
Example: Master Jumper
description string The trophy description text.
Example: Achieve 200 jumps.
difficulty string Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum
Example: Silver
image_url string (url) The URL of the trophy's thumbnail image.
achieved boolean or date Date/time when the trophy was achieved by the user, or false if they haven't achieved it yet.
Example: false




Affected parameter Description Error message
trophy_id One of the passed in trophy_ids is invalid (<= 0 or not a valid integer) The trophy returned does not belong to this game.
trophy_id One of the passed in trophy_ids does not belong to the passed in game_id The trophy returned does not belong to this game.


  • The error message for the first error listed is incorrect.

Version history

Version Description
1.0 First implementation