Comments (10)
so surreal it's like the soundtrack of my dreams like what is this
it feels so weird to hear but its good weird yk
Me internally: release it releas it Release It Release It RELEASE IT RELEASE IT
I need a windows release
Who is nameistakenbyme?
In The Flesh
In The Flesh (Vocal/Sound Credits: deleted_user_13, Terry Gross, Michelle Lindemann, Nigel Warburton, Sassaby, SkyernAklea, AldebaranCW, 607freesound, and DiArchangeli.)
Like It Was
Wait What?
Let's Keep This To Ourselves (Sound Credit: Fuzzy13)
Most Likely To Never (Vocal/Sound Credits: Original Broadway Cast of Company, cupido1, InspectorJ, ThimblerIG)
Acceptance (Sounds collected by NameIsTakenByMe, true authors unknown)
Bonus: Barcelona (Cover, Originally by Stephen Sondheim)