Comments (24)
Why am i not surprised that shadow mario is the beta tester.

piar time

me work in dis B)
why cancel
Fnas next gen revival
I’m sorry guys, but the game is canceled, everyone person I hired as a artist doesn’t work due to them working on other games, or being busy with real life issues, I’m busy and getting stressed by how this game is basically falling, I’m so grateful with everyone who worked on this, I am very very grateful that everyone supported me and others, I don’t want this game to exist anymore, it is causing me great stress, so much stress I barely sleep at night, I wanted to make a good FNaS game, I really did, but now I longer want to, demotivation at It’s finest, I’m sorry to disappoint anyone who enjoyed this game, but I don’t want to work on this, and I don’t want my members to have this game on their plate anymore, so it’s canceled, bye. Thanks for the memories, thanks to the people who helped me, thank you as well for supporting me.
old description: Project Generation (Now known as Act Collection) is a remake of FNaS Next Generations better art, better mechanics, better characters and new characters never seen in the original FNaS Games.
Every Game will explore around Golden Sonic but the most common games will be Act 0 and 1, and MAYBE 3!
The games in the series are in order from 1-4
Act 0 will get brand new modes and mechanics, brand New Custom Night mode, and also Discord Mode.
Act 1 will also get 2 new characters, Discord Mode, New mechanics, New story.
Act 2 will be reworked from the ground up with free roaming, new Toy Tails lore and sprites, Tangle is more important now, Discord Mode, the 2 characters from the first Act.
Act 3 will also be reworked, with some free roaming, but mainly go to a certain room and survive, Discord Mode won't be in this game, but what will be in this game is something from Reburned 3 that being some of the mechanics from that game, you also have cameras but they are mainly pointless, this also adds the 2 new characters from Act 1 and 2, and also adds a completely new character.
Act 4 will be "what can Swagger_Guy do to make All Stars 4 but better?" It will be better than All Stars 4, tho some stuff from All Stars 4 may stay, this game will have Discord Mode, it will also have the characters from all 3 acts that are new, and it will have the Nightmare toys as characters instead of DLC for FNaS 4.
Disclaimer: before you comment ideas and suggestions, or new modes for the games ect, we already have what we need, tho we can take suggestions when demos and betas come out so look forward to the improvements that you guys request when demos, and alphas come out! Thanks.
Oh and before I get the comments about Mirror Mode and Luigi Mode, they were removed in act 0. Tho Discord Mode is staying.
#fangame #fnaf #pointnclick #horror #other #FNaS #basedfnasgame
Our devs and what they do: https://gamejolt.com/@middlus Project Generation Artist Inactive, also they didn't want to work on the game, that tells you something Ig.
https://gamejolt.com/@ItzSForShadow Game Tester
https://gamejolt.com/@OlegFazbearYT Main Owner Secondary Director
https://gamejolt.com/@SwaggerGuy Co Owner Minor Artist Main Director
https://gamejolt.com/@AZAMs Artist Rehired/BackInTheTeam
https://gamejolt.com/@Virus65 Former Artist, Fired due to inactivity
https://gamejolt.com/@PaintingStudio Artist, Beta tester, Ideas, Suggestions Left
https://gamejolt.com/@DAawsomeMIMIC_1213 Discord Mode Artist
https://gamejolt.com/@LEgor2010 Game Tester
https://gamejolt.com/@DelyBulacha Artist, Improved Story writer, Director help suggestions
https://gamejolt.com/@Asael20YT Act 0 Classic Mode Artist.
https://gamejolt.com/@exclamationmarkisthe Game Tester, Game feedback