Comments (18)
Why is stuff from my engine being used in a game not made in my engine?
time for some criticism:
why is the background in the title screen not moving but the water is?
why is the water (and the waterfalls) in green hill not animated? (same goes for creams's stage)
why did u take some stuff from recoded without crediting me?
why didn't u credit @Sonics_Gaming_Hub for using stuff from his engine?
why is the background not moving in burnt angel island, but it is in other stages?
why does amy die by spikes before playing as the next character which is cream?
why does cream have the same sfx as tails when she flys?
why are the normal act 1 angel island zone tiles used in act 2 of angel island? (hide and seek)
why cant i move or do anything with big the cat? is he not a playable character?
why does it only crush big by 2 sides instead of 3?
The Deathly Health
can i maybe help u improve this game? it needs some improvements
Amy Rose.EXE
Amy Rose.EXE V2
Used Engine By:
Not So Simple Sonic Worlds PLUS & Retro Sonic Fashion Engine