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mazes or dungeons straight to the boss fight. You can upgrade your abilities through the skill tree and gain powerful attacks. How far will you go?

W,A,S,D for movement

Your attacks are elemental using fire, earth, and lightning

7,8,9 for attacks (aiming in player direction)

There are 10 levels of each attack, upgrades  available in the skill tree

#action #adventure #arcade #rpg #survival



ability to upgrade skills based off of info from skill tree

added Shards; mana points earned from killing bosses

added personal stat upgrades

added different icons for attacks

spells can be upgraded to bigger stronger attacks #rpg #arcade #action


Ive put together a list for the skill tree and a few more boss ideas. I plan on caping the attacks at 10 levels each, and im planning on having the attacks upgrading along the way so they arent the same as when you first start the game.

#arcade #rpg


player can move around and attack with all 3 elements

the boss can attack the player and move as well Both player and boss can die after health reaches "0" and continues to respective frame

#adventure #indie #rpg #mage #bossfight #action #arcade