
Comments (53)

What do you think?

i know i annoying but i cant find 3 fishes magicafin cyanin and onehead i just cant find them i hunted for them the 3 days

Najlepszy mod do cat goes fishing.

jak sie niby lapie miffina mam wszystkie ryby oprucz go

Jak siÄ™ Å‚apie tego siloes co jest pod silosem?

which file should i click on ???

This mod adds more than 50 new fish. #fangame #other #puzzle #platformer #adventure #CGF #catgoesfishing How to install: replace "" with in cat goes fishing files.

This mod is one of the first ones(first or secondmod ever made, I guess)


=====================CGF:Cave Expansion Mod============


Mod made by Niko. Have fun playing it! :)

Mild Cartoon Violence

Hi guys! I started working on cave expansion 2. Check it out! (the mod is not out yet however we are making good progress)

CGF: CEM just got updated! Check it out!

in version 2.5.2 there are going to be added 15 fish :)


Version 2.5.1

-Bug fixes

-Added 1 fish

Version 2.5.0

-Added 4 fish


Wersja 2.5.1

-Naprawiono błędy

-Dodano 1 rybe

Wersja 2.5.0

-Dodano 4 ryby

Update 2.4.0:

-Naprawiono DUŻO bug'ów

-Dodano TYLKO 1 rybe