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A game created by brothers, Jack Bones Shards of Memory is about a tortured soul seeking redemption in the depths of a hellish underworld for the sins of his life. Will he be saved and repent or spend the rest of eternity in this hellish landscape? This is a question only you can provide the answer to!

The game was originally created for a game jam, Crowntober. However, my brother and I really loved the idea of the game! We couldn't get nearly as much as we wanted to do before the end of the jam the game's idea itself however lingered with us thus we continued production! Eventually, we gathered several more team members adding, my girlfriend/mother to my son(Artist), my other brother who goes by Deathbyheart(Writer), A composer by the name of Noland, and another pixel artist that calls himself Spirit! We are excited about the game and can't wait to bring it to fruition!

Escape to Pause/Unpause

Arrow keys to navigate the pause menu
Enter to select
(You can also click on the pause screen)

A to attack

S to use spell
W to switch to spell

WIP more content soon! #action #rpg

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

New pixel art has made it into the game! A scythe, a skull mace, and two new spells! I also finally realized a spelling error that has probably been there since I first released the prototype, I guess spelling is my "Wakeness" #2d #ARPG #RPG

Hello everyone! I have been busy programming a game for a game jam so I don't got any new gameplay to show but what I do have is quite a bit of pixel art from our talented pixel artist. New talent has joined us, he calls himself spirit. #2d #ARPG #RPG

An update is coming to Jack Bones, avaliable at 1 AM central time. This new release has the polished combat system I have been working on as well as mostly finished UI, new trees and shrubs. Pretty excited to share this with you guys.

Recently I have polished combat quite a bit. This was the result.

Jack Bones Shards of Memory Devlog 2