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This game follows a very gullible man, a fast learner, and fighter of sorts, trying out things he hears from he's friends and family. Even made up theory's he thought himself. like starring at the sun for fire powers, or trying to do drop kicks piercing the air. Even after all he tries, he fails, so he drops this dream and continues with he's boring with nothing to do. Now he's 29 and the flash has happened, the land is filled with maniacs, crack heads, and mutants. Most can throw some hands, and people popping up being able to shoot finger beams, fire balls, and throw punches you can see only in a spilt second. With theses people popping up left and right, anything can happen, anything exciting. So Pete goes out, trying to get a winning streak, and something to do. #fangame #rpg #adventure

Intense Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Comical Shenanigans

did you expect a fire ball? lol
what do you guys think of the animation