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An action-adventure RPG where you can see how Leumundsgift climbed to power. #action #adventure #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

Day 6 & 7, more character development

Day 5: i succesfully added the enemy, now to design a damage system

update: I posted version alpha_0.0.2, come check it out so you can see my progress (most of the levels and assets in the builds may not be in the final game, im just creating the basic mechanincs of the game) :…

Day 4: day 3 was fun, i made a handful of enemies, and 4 new bosses, today i'll either be working on the tiles or an AI for the enemies.

end of day 2, i got the camera working, and i added a small series of rooms, i might just focus on designing characters and/or my own assets instead of using some free ones in days 3 through 4, i'll keep you updated.