
Comments (4)

What do you think?


the game is cool so

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

An RPG with the aim to cover the whole robot timeline of the Megaman Series #fangame #rpg #scifi

Trello Progress board

Don't feel like leaving a comment or leaving your name messages here are welcome

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Monday Update #17

Part 1 of the Game is almost done

Just a little work left before releasing the Storyless version

After that the Story will be added as well as side quest in an Update then Part 1 of the Classic game saga will be done

  6 votes Voting finished

Monday Update #16

New demo releases today

New features: Chooseable party

New party member option: Bass

All Robot Master stages: Playable

Shop in the hub area to buy items

2 new items added

Still got to work on balance

Anyway let me know what you think

  3 votes Voting finished

Welcome to a new Segment I'm trying out

Comment Fridays (working title) leave your comments here if you want me to answer it

so lets start

I will see if I can will have to learn about her first to add her correctly

Monday Update #15

Ok got Elecman and Bombman stages made and fully work just got to add enemies to it

Now working on the Light Labs Hub area so players can choose the boss order they want to do

Currently looking for artists to make images for story scenes

Monday Update #14

OK the Fireman stage is fully made

New things: New Cutman Stage, Enemy animations, New enemy attacks & patterns

New Allies for Demo: Rush, Beat, and Protoman

Demo contains Cutman and Fireman Stage with other bosses thrown in

  5 votes Voting finished

Monday Update #13

The Fireman stage is finished and is a recreation of the original stage now I just have to make it navigate-able then I'll release the Fireman demo with it and the revamped Cutman Stage as well in it

and welcome to @Coronzon for joining

  7 votes Voting finished

Monday Update #12

Today I'm releasing the Boss Rush Demo, go through 7 fights and you win

Next week's plan is to make some animations for Megaman in battle

also, Image was from before I fixed the sprite size

  2 votes Voting finished

Monday Update #11 got a few things to say this time

1.) I found a better reference to make the 16-Bit versions of the original 6 Robot Masters so I'm showing a before and after above

2.) got someone to help out so thanks to @Justzuriel for joining

  17 votes Voting finished

Monday Update #10 started to work on Fireman's stage still seeking help mostly with sprite work so please help out if you wish would love to work with anyone willing

Life only seems to get busier and busier for me lately so if anyone didn’t notice before I am looking from people willing to help please let me know either through comments or the games discord server

I hope to hear from you soon