
Comments (2)

What do you think?

the demo for the game is pretty good - it has great puzzles, interesting plot and it performs very well - i haven't found any bugs while playing the game, good job on that! my favorite parts are the jumping section after the entrance and the labyrinth where you have to sneak past the patrolling ghouls - but every other puzzles is very good! the logic is consistent, the difficulty of the puzzles is just right and the story that backs the whole game up is engaging! also you definitely got me where there was a section with a "jumpscare" - i actually prepared for it and turned off the sound in advance jajajajaja

my only complaint is that in the intro cutscene you made a spelling mistake - "He even sacraficed himself to protect Taric from an evil man", where it should be "sacrificed", but, alas, that is the only problem i have with the game - and even such, it's a rather small one.

all in all, the demo had a good impression on me - i hope to see more of the game in the future! alas, i wish you best of luck and nerves of steel in game developing, SasukeHusky! take care!

You are a boy named Naru who has to stop a "monster" from turning everyone into merged creatures. There is 1 ending. ~_^ #rpg #adventure #action #puzzle #other #survival

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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