
Comments (1)

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I like the wave-based "survival" feeling of this game, defending against monsters that overrun the city and force you to fight to stay alive.

I can imagine this being quite addictive if I was able to survive longer...

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Metamorphic Shift [Prototype]

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago

You are an average citizen in a peaceful city. Until… BANG! The world is suddenly overcome by some sort of shift in reality and the world is not what it was before, with buildings morphing into and from one another and everything seemingly closed around you! This is the least of your worries though… as through the panic you notice something happening to a person… They have morphed into a supernatural monster! You run away but others begin to morph as well, leaving you with no option but to fight! Find yourself a weapon or two and survive for as long as you can…

Credits: Metamorphic Shift Credit List - Pastebin

This project was created for a module of my level 6 education, with the theme being "Metamorphosis". This upload is for portfolio purposes.

#action #horror #survival #shooter #fps #firstpersonshooter

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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