Comments (3)
Another great delivery, a few bugs here and there but still good.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
My Eyes Inside Out (Chapter 3)
Genre: action/horror (Resident Evil Village style)
The chaotic chemical disease that Angela tried to eradicate, spread by accident in Pozhas, a fishing town, the fluid spread through the ocean and a kind of fish that inhabited the shores and ports of Pozhas, confined and infected, now Pozhas death zone, Angela with many other infected were confined in one of the 3 Hotels of 3 and 5 stars for the government to plan what to do with all those people and with Pozhas.
La caotica enfermedad quimica que Angela intento erradicar,se extendio por accidente en Pozhas,una ciudad pesquera,el fluido se desperramo por oceano y una especie de peces que abitaba las orillas y puertos de Pozhas,confinados e infectados,ahora Pozhas zona de muerte,Angela con muchos otros infectados fueron confinados en uno de los 3 Hoteles de 3 y 5 estrellas para que el gobierno planee que hacer con toda esa gente y con Pozhas.
30/45 Min's
Space Jump
Tab Inventory
Mouse Look
1 and 2 Flashlight/Pistol
Right Click Aim
F Use
Q/E Lern
C/Ctrl Crouch
Left Shift Run

#horror #action #survival #shooter #unity #firstPerson #femaleprotagonist