
Comments (3)

What do you think?

put unofficial in the title

Don't worry about it, Jonathan T has a much advanced version coming out soon.

How long has this game been developing for

One Night at Flumpty's 4 Fan-Made

One Night at Flumpty's started out as an inside joke and has left more of an impact than I ever anticipated. I'm glad so many people have enjoyed playing these silly games with paper-thin lore.

This is a Gift for Jonathan_T hope he like it :)

ONaF series by Jonochrome. (Thank you Jon)
FNaF series by Scott Cawthon. (Thank you Scott)

You can also join discord sever to see more stuff that I made for this game

New "Sneak Peeks" are shown more frequently then here, like weekly
This game is ain't over easy.

#onaf #flumpty #other

#fnaf #horror #fangame #fnaf #fnaf #OneNightatFlumpty4FanMade #Onaf4Fanmade #OneWeekatFlumpty #fnaf


One Night at Flumpty's 4 man-made gameplay enjoy

One Night at Flumpty's 4 Fan-Made Demo Gameplay
Credits to who ever made the music and sipThe egg has finally returned with a new game 🍳#Onaf #Jumpscares #Jonochrome #EndoBeta #Flumpty #Owaf #OneWeekatFlu...

Here y'all go Yolks a new demo enjoy if there's any bugs please report them to me thanks for your Attention

Yolk Face Teaser

All Birthday Boy Blam's pose's done

Grunkfuss and Flumpty Leaked

+ the game right here enjoy yolks
