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This is a demo of a game that we made for a project, it's uploaded mainly for playtesting purpouses, enjoy if you think it's interesting.

the concept of the game is supposed to be a dungeoncrawler with combinable guns, though we didn't make it as far as we thought we would when we planned the project.

since the game don't have a tutorial of any kind imma just write it out.
you use the left stick on the controller to move, can also be used with wasd.
you use the a button for dashing, x button to shoot left, b button to shoot right, and the y button to use melee attacks. can also be replaced with k, j, l, i in that order.
esc returns you to the menu.
g spawns in extra enemies, just in case you want that for whatever reasons.

thats pretty much it, please write down your thoughts in the comments or tell whoever linked it to you for playtesting purpouses.

sorry if i mispelled shit, im tired and don't bother spellchecking.

Cartoon Violence
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