Comments (11)
Guys something really helpful, If your waiting for the game to come out and have not followed it yet, please click the follow button! It really help's, And then more people will find out about it, I really want others to try out Pokemon Sora! You dont need to, but it would be a great help if you did.
when does the game come out
it looks good
WORK ON IT PLS IT SOUNDS SO GOOD just make it free so pokemon dont copywhite it
A cant install it
What engine is this being made in, If it's being made in GameMaker: Studio, I'd be glad to help out here and there.
You find yourself walking in a forest area with many flowers, after you take a step you realize your seeing a shaymin, But then the world begans to shake up abit and you can hear voices, Thats when you wake up from what you realize was a dream. A kid thought you have been attacked by a pokemon and offers you 3 choices , A Axew , a Eevee and a Poliwag. But you cant stop thinking that theres a connection and somethings up.
Sorry for the bad grammar but i asure you it will be alot better in the game.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Crass Humor