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-------------- START LOG ----- Purple Fire Productions - Presents: Game: Procedure Exedus, Set in the year 2040, an unknown area soon to be revealed by developers. Procedure Exedus is a game based on the SCP/ACP (whatever that is) facility. PE (Procedure Exedus) Is a game created by the team of PFP (Purple Flame Productions). The game PE, will be set as 25 Dollars when on sale (Sales will be made starting i do'nt even know when cause its free for now) You can buy the game with Paypal (paypal only for now) There are lots to do in PE, In PE The Game objective is to take over and destroy the facility, filled with enemies inside. At the start of your game, your friends are in a helicopter with all their gear on, ready to take on the facility as ordered. The Helicopter, with the pilot being extremely focused on flying, doesn't notice the SAM Missile coming for it and eventually notices, but it is too late. The helicopter gets hit, with it being on fire and the pilot dying, and the copilot surviving. All of your friends survive too. You evacuate the helicopter as quick as possible with the copilot and your friends, while ontop of a massive hill not even close to the facility. You have to find any vehicles you can, or go on foot to the facility, and when you do, one of your allies has to shoot the snipers in the tower and on another mountain, close by down so you can enter safely. But, you cannot enter yet. You must wait a few days because they're on the lookout because they know that that helicopter was an enemy helicopter, so they shot it down. You have to camp in an underground trench dug by you and everyone else. You have to camp there for days, maybe even a week or a month before being able to go out without them being on the watch, since its been a while. Maybe they still know you're there... Don't worry, you've got all of your friends to protect you, but, 3 of them Die that day, while trying to get into the facility, all 3 shot by Snipers. You mourn their deaths, but the copilot and the last of your friends helps you up and gets you back into the battle. You raid the facility. You fail. The copilot dies. You're just a duo now, having to take over the facility, till one day, A prison riot, the prisoners in there have rioted, blown up a wall and about 2 have escaped successfully. They join your team, you're ready. You raid the base again, with the help of air support and backup humvees and 2 tanks. You got all this support, you raid the base. The base goes down. You think its over, you think the enemies will NEVER come back. But you're wrong. You won, but at what cost? The game then ends there, and you can go back to a main menu to buy cosmetics for weapons and vests and other items, you can go to a settings tab or you can play again. This game is a Series of games soon to be made by PFP. PFP Will try to get funding to hire professional and amateur builders, scripters and others. -------------- END LOG ----- btw this is open to change

#action #adventure #shooter

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference
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