This is my own personal take on Underfell. It is probably VERY different from your interpretation of Underfell (Compare my Asriel sprite to any other) It essentially has the same story as regular Underfell.
Lead Programmer: @RelativisticFuzzball882892
Other Programmers: @L8TAT8W8
Graphics: @RelativisticFuzzball882892
Composers: @L8TAT8W8
Q: Isn't Underfell already a thing?
A: This is my personal take on it, there are many iterations of Underfell.
Q: Can I do ships?
A: I'd prefer not.
Q: Can I make an AU of this AU?
A: That's fine, as long as you keep the RF! marker in front.
Q: What does the RF! stand for
A: RelativisticFuzzball (It's my username)
Q: I have an original sprite/theme, will you use it?
A: If it's good (don't worry, I'll credit you)
Q: Is [insert character here] in this?
A: If it's in Undertale/Underfell, yes
Q: Will a [language] version be available?
A: If I have time
Q: Can I do RP?
A: I suggest waiting for me to release the game
Q: When will the game release?
A: Be patient