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La ciudad está sumida en el caos y tendrás que sobrevivir, tendrás que ser:
Un buscador (recoge harina por toda la ciudad y alimenta a tu familia) o Un cazador (tendrás que buscar a todos los buscadores y robar toda su harina para que mamá pueda ser feliz), La decisión es tuya, sobrevivir es tu objetivo o no . Prefiero morir de hambre
The city is in chaos and you have to survive it, you will have to be:
A seeker (collect flour throughout the city and feed your family) or A hunter (you will have to look for all seekers and steal all their flour so that mom can be happy), The decision is yours to survive is your goal or do you prefer to die of hunger
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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