
Comments (7)

What do you think?

You should add Mickaline

Forgot to say this game is canonic to snag's lore


SNAB DLC: (5%/100 Done)

"There.. There Conner That Job Won't Be Easy"

Welcome to Broondocks Camping Site "Breadika's Camping site"! Where Family and Friends Come here and camp along However, Conner wasn't here that morning.. nor his family..? why? due to his family troubles and money low, he have to get some help from his friends, and eventually he finally got the Nightshift Job, His First Shift wasn't what he expect.. with some dark secrets coming from the "Mascots"


(PAUSED 19%/100 Done-)

"Left Abandoned But Opened for nightguard's to

let the show, never stops"


Your Name is Conner Walker, a father with a child and a wife and you got a job because Government has taxing you alot, and you feel like you can't afford child support, and it's a job from a abandoned Theater Mixed with a Museum a name of "BreadFace's Helvum" as they planned for them to be in a warehouse for some- checks and fixings, you seem like it's a stupid name and worked as a Night Guard. Day 1 it's a chill night, but on Night 1

It's not until you notice it's Somethings are awaken from it's Rooms..

You know Why you rather need to switch job with your Co-Worker (Lucas).


This is a Game Made from Inspiration of Some Nights at the Fursona Field (do i- have something to say?)

It's also a remake SNaB with different things, mechanics and others while, ignoring the 1st Version

Both Some Nights at Gusto's V1 and Some Nights at Breadface's V1 gamepage


Me - Making this during Development hell lmao

@GustoGusto - Canon to Some Nights at the Fursona Field Series and Inspiration

@Scotty919 - Designs used for the Vector of Breadface and Others

@OSWALD-PLUSHIE-GAMING /@BluRabbit - Helping Modeling, Ideas and- PhoneCall Actor of "Mateo"

@ColtonDaCat - PhoneCall Actor of "Jimmy"

Musics Used or used for editing:

The Caretaker, Kevin MacLeod, Myuu

Easter Egg Credits:

@GodPleaseHaveMercy : Mickaline

Voice Actors:

Other Games Inspiration: AnArt1996, RadianceGamesOfficial,Malrat_

#fnaf #horror #fangame #survival #whatever #SNAB #Gusto #SNAG #pointnclick #other #BreadFace #Bread #Face #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Gamepage, including the thumbnail is Changed, still WIP so expect changes lol

Happy Christmas Eve! + Devlog

slow but still deving

will finish in november however

halloween is tomorrow, i might show the some halloween designs tomorrow since the halloween sprite is not finished