
Comments (7)

What do you think?

You should add Mickaline

Forgot to say this game is canonic to snag's lore


(-This Game is 19%/100 Done-)

"Left Abandoned But Opened for nightguard's to

let the show, never stops"


Your Name is Conner Walker, a father with a child and a wife and you got a job because Government has taxing you alot, and you feel like you can't afford child support, and it's a job from a abandoned Theater Mixed with a Museum a name of "BreadFace's Helvum" as they planned for them to be in a warehouse for some- checks and fixings, you seem like it's a stupid name and worked as a Night Guard. Day 1 it's a chill night, but on Night 1

It's not until you notice it's Somethings are awaken from it's Rooms..

You know Why you rather need to switch job with your Co-Worker (Lucas).


This is a Game Made from Inspiration of Some Nights at the Fursona Field (do i- have something to say?)

It's also a remake SNaB with different things, mechanics and others while, ignoring the 1st Version

Both Some Nights at Gusto's V1 and Some Nights at Breadface's V1 gamepage


Me - Making this during Development hell lmao

@GustoGusto - Canon to Some Nights at the Fursona Field Series and Inspiration

@Scotty919 - Designs used for the Vector of Breadface and Others

@OSWALD-PLUSHIE-GAMING /@BluRabbit - Helping Modeling, Ideas and- PhoneCall Actor of "Mateo"

@ColtonDaCat - PhoneCall Actor of "Jimmy"

Musics Used or used for editing:

The Caretaker, Kevin MacLeod, Myuu

Easter Egg Credits:

@GodPleaseHaveMercy : Mickaline

Voice Actors:

Other Games Inspiration: AnArt1996, @RadianceGamesOfficial,@Malrat_

#fnaf #horror #fangame #survival #whatever #SNAB #Gusto #SNAG #pointnclick #other #BreadFace #Bread #Face #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Happy Christmas Eve! + Devlog

slow but still deving

will finish in november however

halloween is tomorrow, i might show the some halloween designs tomorrow since the halloween sprite is not finished

some dude just spray painted a garage door for what?