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The Freddyfazbears pizzeria quadrilogy collection

Version: 1.0.011 months ago
A collection of all 3 publicly released TFFP games and other mediums of content.

Project AGK

Version: 3.3.6about 1 year ago
The biggest game on this page, It was almost finished- about 70% done. However most of it cannot be played due to either it not being in this specific version- v3.3.6 or because of the turbowarp change. The game was coded in Turbowarp v1.7.8 and I repackaged it in v1.10.1.

Fredbears retro arcade

Version: 1.3.0about 1 year ago
The first game i had ever released on gamejolt. Also the first remake i had ever made. Heavily inspired by theresnosteak's "running in the 80's" I remember this working. but it was coded in turbowarp v1.7.3 so it doesn't work anymore, This was one of my LEAST favorite games to work on, im glad i cancelled it.

Grizzly's play-house

Version: 0.1.0about 1 year ago
A remake of the first game i ever made. It was also the first game i made the models in blender for. I've learned alot since then, This was originally coded by someone who i do not wanna mention as they are a confirmed groomer. JustiingamingX had recoded it with new graphics!.

Fnati 4.0 in scratch

Version: 1.2.9about 1 year ago
Originally made by me and average_Composer, We had the idea from reviving Fnati 4.0 in scratch. eventually we made a Clickteam version, and we're ENTIRELY Remaking the project currently.

Fnatas: SL Retake

Version: 1.0.4about 1 year ago
This was project agk, before it became project agk. It was made by a confirmed groomer. and i just took it from him and remade it. This one broke mid development actually- it's a pretty common turbowarp bug from v1.6 to v1.9 and i generally wish they would fix it.

3 nights at NPS

Version: 0.0.1about 1 year ago
it was a game i've been working on for AWHILE. All art and programming by ME!, I Generally want to finish this game- just change the name from nps to phs. lol.

Fnati: Lost and rotten v1.0

Version: 1.1.2about 1 year ago
A "remake" of fnati 4.0 in scratch. Same models, same assets- Just generally looks and plays better, it was made in clickteam, programmed by lol_dev the current programmer for TFFP- act 1.

A party at Grayson's

Version: 0.0.0about 1 year ago
This was a PWP style game that "nps" was making that flopped horribly. I've given the rights to the characters and idea to another team whos remaking it. This only includes the menu unfortunately

Animated antagonists

Version: 0.0.0about 1 year ago
Decided to cancel it after a groomer who i formerly worked with fucking leaked the mfa and games page 2 months early-. I am however working on a " reboot " of the game :wink:.

Developers fight

Version: 0.0.5about 1 year ago
A game i programmed for the groomer. Fortunately it got cancelled.

Project AGK custom night WIP

Version: 1.0.1about 1 year ago
Both a placeholder and old version of Project agk's custom night menu- First ever custom night menu that i've ever done in my life lmao!.

Fnaf 1 type office scrolling test for TI:D

Version: 0.0.112 months ago
Knowmeasmickey helped me to figure out how to make a FNAF 1 type office scroll for treasure island: DELUXE

Treasure island DELUXE v1

Version: 0.0.112 months ago
v1 of Treasure island DELUXE- This was left behind by me and mickey- We're currently working on v2.

Heres my project archive-

idk i guess credits:

@Perrypossum: Director of ALL projects, Most models, Most animations, Most 2D art, Story and script writing, Main programmer

@Endodude2037 : Main modeler, Animator and renderer, Programmer

@Astortainment : Co-director, Story writer, Modeler

@Twomaskstudios : Models

@000creator000 : Models

@OwenBennett (Don't follow him he makes/made child porn): 2D art and assets

@FNAFdino123: 2D art and assets

@RedTubbY_ : programmer

@knowmeasmickey: programmer

@coderbro12 : Programmer

@JustinGamingX : programmer

@Lol_dev : programmer

and others i forgor-


#fnaf #agk #other #survival #fangame #pointnclick #horror #action #adventure #rpg #platformer #arcade #scifi #puzzle #strategy #textadventure

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language

4 new games?!?!??!

I remember @coderbro12 and i having a build of Fnati 4.0 but in scratch with mickey's full AI.

I'll try to find it and fix it, and release it to the page!.

For those wondering-


I will update this with more of my old games, i just have to find their mfa's SOMEWHERE in my file explorer-

I'll try to find: "Animated antagonists", "Twisted inferno" and "A Party at grayson's"

The perrypartypossum/cakepartywyvern project archive IS NOW OUT!.