Vannamelon basics DX
Looks who back
Meet the new and improved Vannamelon basics's
Vannamelon and gang are back and better then ever before
New school New story and New secret ending
You're friend lost his melonbooks and needs
you're help to get them back but where?...
well you're friend tells you that his books are at
some school but not just any school it something
like a melon school?
so go to the school collect all of the melonbooks
and get out of the school!
Vannamelon (Hehe funny melon gal go barr)
Vannalemon (The Spooky Wooky Kooky Sour Clone of the melon)
The red one/rose (The red demon child)
VannaSeasalt (the seasalt mermaid)
Neon (seasalt companion or something?)
Jeffery (JEFFERY FROM GROUP 5 WTF!?!?!!?!?)
Solanaceae (Spooky vannamelon oc i made)
Mod/decompile by thecoolkid2485 (me)
Baldi's basics by mystman12/Basically Games!
Baldi's basics 1.4.3 decompile by Jumpman25
BB Classic and Birthday bash Decompiles by Porky Powers
Vannamelon by Vannamelon (Youtuber)
Jeffrey (Group 5) by Nick Dante
Happy Things by J-Rabbit
Footstep code by Lzthorn.cs and gary89
Mouse Appearing Code by Axelll_7
Dangerous Teleporter Code Tutorial by Mariusco_Games
Textures made in textgen
TTS Voices (Microsoft Sam TTS Generator) and (readloud)